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Message from the WDU Vice President

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ


It is both an honor and a privilege to serve God as Vice-President of the Western District Union of the OEMBA. God has placed each one of us here in this place and time because, He has good things He wants to accomplish in our world through our lives together here. As a follower of Jesus Christ I look forward to expressing my love for Jesus and people by actively participating in the life of this union family, and our community-at-large. I take seriously my commitment to our union theme:  United in Mission to Serve the Present Age. This we do through our worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and ministries.


I also would like to take this opportunity to ask for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers for the leadership ministry of the Western District Union.


In Christ,

Rev. Linwood Euwell

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